A psd vector free map mock up template just ready to handle your own map.

Our free psd file for today is simply yet very needed by designers. A map is always needed here and there on websites, applications and on printable materials. Web designers for example use maps in contact forms to display the location of an agency. It is as well used in iphone and android applications for many needs. In this map mockup, we simply give you the design that will allow you to display maps in a cooler and different way. Instead of a flat map, this template give an old paper realistic feeling for your map. The paper is turned in some way and shadows appear under it.

Free Psd Map Mockup

The map used in the template is the world map, however you can replace it with your own. You can also make it an active google map with some html & css styling. The separated transparent layers this design is made of makes it easy for web designers to slice and construct their web pages, totally converting this to a live web map. The map is also made of vector shapes and and rasterized shapes not even smart objects. They are all shape layers which designers love for maximum editing capabilities. For instance if you need to add tools next to your map and you needed some space, you can simply move the two path points on the side of the map to expand its width without any kind of distortion. All  layer styles will fit smoothly without any additional work.

Below appear another variation of color, a sample of what you can change yourself to make this artwork totally customized for your project.

Map Template Psd