Elegant 4 templates of psd & vector books to showcase your book cover design and first page; this mock-up is free to download.

You finished the design of your book cover and wondering how to present it ? Looking to have an idea of how your flat design would look like when printed ? Have a meeting with your client and thinking of a better way of showing your work ? Looking to add your design to your online portfolio and looking for a stylish way to do it ?
All the answers of the above questions can be found in our psd free books mock-up.

Psd Book Mockup

Psd Book Template

How many times you design stuff but you don’t print them !? Many of those artworks are just awesome and you cant just skip them without having them included in your portfolio. Of course its illogical to print every design you have, then have a photo shooting to of it ! It is also unprofessional to present your work in flat mode.
Mock-ups are made to make your life easier, they will save you time, effort and money. A neat and professional mock-up will make your design look prettier.

Psd Book Cover Mockup

Half Opened Book - Psd

Books are widely used.. In houses, in libraries, schools, universities, etc.. They are famous as much as i think this mock-up set would be. Enjoy 🙂