A simple elegant psd button to add to your website to allow users to login with either their facebook or twitter account.

“Login With..” is a very helpful feature that allow users to sign in with their facebook account or their twitter account. Instead of using the boring and time consuming traditional login where you have to type your username and your password, with this button installed on your website, you can give users the ability to login with just a simple click on the “login with.. ” button. The more user friendly and fast your website is, the more helpful and useful features you put on it, the more returning visitors you will get.

You can even convert your button with a little editing to a sign up with button instead of a login button. In this case, you will get more users on your website because they will find it easy to sign up to your website and they are not forced to write their name, family name, phone number, email, etc.. and all the other necessary data field by field.. Your website will automatically import all the data from facebook or from twitter.