Today, we release another free psd website template that is like always, clean & elegant.

Our free template is different in terms of color, instead of grays, our theme is have sepia colors. All the images as well as the background are in sepia colores ! You must have seen speia colors in images, but i doubt you have seen it in websites.The silc template have 5 sections, seperated smoothly by a nice web deperater, actually one of our freebies which we released before on

The first part of the theme contains the header and the main menu with a login popup area. The second part contains a 5 column thmub images the dispalys the latest items uploaded, the popular items, the most viewed one’s and the featured ones. You can navigate between those through the corresponding tabs above.

The third part of the homepage contains two big thumbnails of your items the that are on sale or that have special offers ; simply featured items you wann promote !These comes with a nice brown ribbon on corners which you can write something on it.
The fourth part contains some text with headings. You can add whatever you want of text or even remove that part.
The fifth and final part of this free psd theme is the footer which contains mini thumbnails area, sociall bookmark area or follow us area, some text & subscribe area.

This template is striaght forword and very user friendly, it works for those who sell products or art, or even website like mine ! Enjoy 🙂